Saturday, January 28, 2017

10 years x 10 classes in Toulouse

10 years x 10 classes in Toulouse

Do you want to participate in the Toulouse program to celebrate 10 years of Urban Sketchers? Take a look at the schedule and book the dates in your agenda!

A. Little stories (Close-up)
April 15
1. The spirit of the place
Luc Perillat
Vincent Desplanche
April 22
2. Architecture walk
Luc Perillat
April 29
3. The World of Silence
Vincent Desplanche
B. Medium stories (Overall plan)

May 6
4. Along the Stream
Luc Perillat
May 13
5. Construct Buildings
Vincent Desplanche
May 20
6. Vibrations of quantity
Luc Perillat
C. Great stories (Sequence shot)

May 27
7. Heart of Ovalie
Luc Perillat
Vincent Desplanche
June 10
8. The wings of Adventure
Luc Perillat
Vincent Desplanche
June 17
9. Discover the Nature
Luc Perillat
Vincent Desplanche
June 24
10. Mixing Topics and Medias
Luc Perillat
Vincent Desplanche

Click here to read the full program.

Ready to subscribe? You can register contacting the lead instructor of this program by email:

Available link for download